对于英文非母语的同学来说,SAT和GMAT考试当中最难的一关就是阅读。词汇量低,阅读速度慢,对阅读没兴趣…… 这些都会造成同学读不懂或者读不快,在这样的情况下若只是急于做关于应试技巧性训练,也很难取得成效。那么如何提高综合阅读水平? 这个问题这确实是一个让人头疼的问题,尤其对于EAL的学生,想要扩大阅读量,养成阅读习惯,可是不知道从何下手,也缺乏信心。我们的文书专家/阅读达人Rochelle (毕业于University of Iowa 全美第一的Creative Writing专业和墨尔本大学的Creative Writing, Editing, and Publishing专业,是一个又酷又可爱的在美国出生长大的ABC,酷爱英语文学和写作,中文也说的溜) 开辟了一个新专栏,从今天开始和大家一步步分享关于提高阅读水平的技巧和方法 (本文最后有她的英文原文哦) – 阅读达人告诉你如何提高综合阅读水平
提高阅读水平 – 引言
想想最后一次你为了寻找乐趣而读完了一本书的时候。它可以是任何书,可能是小说或非小说,传记或奇幻 (浏览Facebook/WeChat的帖子不算哦) 如果你在过去六个月看过一本好书,恭喜你!那么你什么时候开始下一个? 你读过什么,你喜欢/不喜欢读什么?
如果你最近没有因为兴趣阅读任何书籍,请联想一本你会想去阅读的书,但是请不要再拖延,或者太过于恐慌(长度,难度等)回想一下是什么问题让你一直没有读这本书。如果您的答案是在学业和课外活动 (玩游戏和社交)之外没有时间或者兴趣进行阅读,这里有8个步骤来提高阅读习惯和阅读技能,而无需坐下来强迫自己连续读几个小时!
1. 阅读正确的书籍
为什么你对读书不感兴趣? 如果你喜欢漫画,请用英文读漫画。如果你想阅读自学各种产品或者技能的书籍 (比如for dummies系列),去读吧!为了改善阅读量,你必须阅读自己喜欢的内容,并了解你的阅读水平。注意: 你应该能够理解你所读的80%。如果你理解70%的很困难,那意味着这本书现在太难了,不过这可以是你的未来目标。 (注意:如果你喜欢日本漫画,而你读的越来越快因为语言很容易,那么我建议你升级到不同风格美国漫画书。如果你喜欢电子游戏,考虑阅读有关游戏的书籍。阅读不一定要“高深”。)
2. 指定阅读时间
我们都很懒惰,喜欢睡前不停的刷手机,因为这样我们的大脑就可以进入睡眠模式 (但注意:它不会!) 。挪出30-45分钟 (只要这么多!) 每天阅读 – 只是不要忘记关闭你的手机。谁知道会发生什么?你可能会阅读更长时间,因为你喜欢它。在你的手机上下一个最喜欢的杂志或者网站的App做一些阅读是一个不错的开始
3. 在阅读期间和阅读后问问题
不确定要问什么问题? 没关系,你可以从这些问题开始: 我认为这个故事是什么? 这个故事怎么会结束? 为什么我喜欢/不喜欢这个角色? 为什么我现在喜欢/不喜欢这本书?
4. 改善流利程度(句子vs单词)
5. 提高理解能力
先快再慢,当你找到合适的阅读节奏后,现在可以试着放慢一点来看那些10-20%对你来说很难一次性读懂的内容。看起来也许很幼稚,但请试着大声朗读。相信我,它可以帮助你深入考虑文字和句子的意思。更不用说,它也有助于听,说,发音。四重赢哦! (注:许多母语者通过阅读和背诵莎士比亚来纠正他们的言语障碍,所以不要让老式英语阻止你!)
6. 问更多问题
继续问问题! 永远不要停止问问题。如前所述,问题让你参与到阅读当中,但你提出的问题应该更多地集中在角色上。他们的动机是什么? 为什么他们的这样的个性呢? 或者这个作者的观点是什么? 他是怎么支持自己观点的? 问这些问题可以让你更深入地了解这本书的信息,以及作者想要告诉读者的内容。这也是学习如何分析文学的第一步。
7. 重读
重读听起来很乏味。如果你读了一次,为什么再读一次? 我知道你的困惑。但是,在提高阅读能力方面,重读是必要的。你可以在发现你在第一次阅读中遗漏的东西。老实说,第一次阅读是为了帮助流畅和一些理解。第二次和第三次帮助你的词汇记忆!
8. 扩展阅读范围
老话重提,读任何,一切东西。你读过几次你最喜欢的流派 – 很棒! 现在为什么不打破禁锢去尝试其他类型? 非小说类,历史小说,食谱,旅行指南。世界在你手中,为什么不继续探索?
你要记住: 提高阅读是一个过程。在眨眼之间,没有人能马上用第二语言读书。它不仅仅是纯粹的愿望,它更需要耐心和纪律。阅读的好处是在日常生活中使用它来浏览新闻源和文章,所以它永远不会变得无用。从你喜欢的书籍和流派开始,一旦你扩大,你可能会意识到,你感兴趣的还有很多!
Improving Reading Skills: The Intro
Think about the last time you’ve read a book for fun. Any book. It could be fiction or nonfiction. A biography or a high-tale fantasy. (Skimming through a Facebook/WeChat posts doesn’t count.) If you’ve read a book for fun the past six months,congratulations! When are you getting started on the next one? What did you read and what did you like/dislike about it?
If you haven’t been able to read any book for fun, think about a book you’ve wanted to read, but either just never found the time for it or it was too intimidating (length, difficulty, etc.) Reflect on what’s keeping you from reading.
If your answer is that the English may be too difficult for you to grasp on top of all of your schoolwork and your innate need to play video games or have an active social life, here are 8 steps to improving reading habits and skills without having to sit down and force yourself to read for several hours:
1. Read the Right Books
Why read books you aren’t interested in? If you like manga, read manga in English.If you secretly like reading self-help books, read those! In order to improve your reading, you have to read what you like and know what your reading level is. You should be able to understand 80% of what you read. If you barely understand 70%, the book is too hard for now and it can be your new goal.
(Note:If you like manga and you’re speeding through it because the language is easy,I suggest upgrading to American comic books for a different variety. If you like video games, consider reading books about those particular video games.Reading doesn’t have to be high-brow.)
2. Designated Reading Times
We all get lazy and want to scroll on our phones as our brains go into sleep mode(note: it doesn’t). Set aside 30-45 minutes (that’s it!) for reading everyday—just don’t forget to turn off your phone. Who knows? You may end up reading longer than that because you enjoy it. Win!
3. Ask Questions During and After Reading
Not sure what questions to ask? No problem! Here are a few to start with: What do I think the story is about? How is this story going to end? Why do I like/dislike this character? Why do I like/dislike this book right now?
4. Improve Fluency (sentences vs words)
Reading sucks when it goes by slowly, especially when you’re the one reading slowly.Reading a sentence word-for-word is exhausting and inefficient, so train yourself to find the sentence’s key words and rhythm. Just remember that it’s not about quick reading—it’s about smooth reading.
5. Improve Comprehension
As childish as it seems, try reading aloud. Trust me, it helps you slow down and consider the text’s meaning. Not to mention, it also helps with listening,speaking, and pronunciation. Quadruple win! (Note: many native speakers corrected their speech impediments by reading and reciting Shakespeare, so don’t let Old English deter you!)
6. Ask More Questions!
Keep asking questions! Never stop asking them. As mentioned before, questions keep you engaged, but the questions you ask this time around should be more focused on the characters. What are their motivations? Why are their personalities like this? You can think deeper about the book’s message and what the author is trying to tell their readers. This is step one of learning how to analyse literature.
7. Reread
Look,rereading sounds tedious. If you read it once, why read it again? I get it. But in terms of improving reading skills, rereading is a necessity. You can catch things that you missed in the first reading. And let’s be honest, the first read was to help with fluency and some comprehension. Second and third times around helps with your vocab retention!
8. Expand the Reading Pool
Read anything and everything. So you’ve gone through some favorite genres several times—great! Now why not break out into other genres? Nonfiction. Historical fiction.Cookbooks. Travel guides. The world can be held in your hands, so why not keep exploring?
The number one thing to understand is that reading improvement is a process. No one can begreat at reading in a second language at the blink of an eye. It takes more than just pure will—it takes patience and discipline. What’s great about reading is that you use it in everyday life scrolling through newsfeeds andarticles, so it’ll never be rendered useless. Start with books and genres you love, and once you expand, you may realise that you’ll become interested in a lot more!