如何准备SAT2 数学 – 51UStudy 墨尔本SAT2 数学培训

如何准备SAT2 数学 - 51UStudy 墨尔本SAT2 数学培训

51UStudy 墨尔本SAT2 数学培训 灵活课程安排帮助你最有效率的准备SAT 2数学考试

51UStudy 墨尔本SAT2 数学培训 – 如何准备SAT2 数学

The College Board recommends more than three years of college-preparatory mathematics, including two years of algebra, one year of geometry, and elementary functions (pre-calculus) or trigonometry or both. In other words, they recommend that you major in math in high school. The test is definitely difficult, but is really the tip of the iceberg if you’re headed into one of those fields. To get yourself prepared, make sure you’ve taken and scored at the top of your class in the courses above.

SAT2 数学 Level 1和Level 2考试内容对比

Level 1Level 2
(Plane Euclidean, three-dimensional, coordinate)
Algebraic functions12%24%
Elementary statistics
(probability, counting problems, data interpretation, mean, median, and
(+ permutations, combinations)
Miscellaneous topics
(logic, number theory, arithmetic, geometric sequences)
(+proof, limits)


51UStudy 墨尔本SAT2 数学培训 – SAT2 数学考试结构

60 minutes

50 multiple-choice questions

200-800 points possible

You may use a graphing or scientific calculator on the exam, and BONUS – you’re not required to clear the memory before it begins in case you want to add formulas. Cell phone, tablet, or computer calculators are not allowed.


51UStudy 墨尔本SAT2 数学培训 – SAT2 数学如何计分

All questions on Subject Tests (Include Maths I and II) are multiple choices.

To establish the raw score:

–     One point is added for each correct answer.

–     1/4 point is subtracted for each wrongly answered question.

No points are deducted for unanswered questions.

The total points answered incorrectly are subtracted from the number answered correctly.

The raw score will be transferred to a score between 200-800 based on the difficulty of the exam


51UStudy 墨尔本SAT2 数学培训 – 课程介绍

Course prep (20 hours for Math 1 & 25 hours for Math 2)

Course preparation starts with a diagnostic test aimed at finding out which topics the student needs additional help in, with course notes that are tailored specifically to the needs of the student. Different topics will be covered every session, and the student will get plenty of practice questions as the topics are covered in order to consolidate his understanding of the topics.

Mock examinations (10 hours)

Full-length SAT practice tests will be made available to the student after he has learned the preparatory material to a satisfactory level. Each practice test will be conducted under test conditions and aims to get the student acquainted with the format of the test, as well as the test conditions on the actual day. This also helps the tutor identify which areas the student still needs improvement in, allowing for a truly targeted approach for the student’s learning.


数学主讲 墨尔本大学机械工程专业荣誉学士学位,并曾在VCE考试中取得ATAR 98%的成绩。拥有超过4年的VCE和SAT数学教学经验的她曾经帮助数十名高中生取得成绩上的显著提高。另外,Qi对这两个考试中的数学部分的异同非常了解,加之对澳洲同学学习习惯的了解,她非常擅长根据同学们的不同基础制定有针对性的复习计划,帮助他们最快时间内同时准备VCE和SAT两个考试并且让这两项准备产生相辅相成的作用。