在澳洲申请MBA – 录取委员会最看重的Qualities

在澳洲申请MBA - Candidates Qualities

录取委员会每年需要看成千上万套的申请材料,他们是如何做筛选的是广大申请人非常重视的问题,对于 在澳洲申请MBA 的同学来说也是如此。我们来看一下Case Western Reserve University (全美综合排名前25,商学院排名前50) Weatherhead School of Management的录取委员会主席Al DiFranco的看法,他挑选出了4个他最看重的Qualities,也可以为你解释为什么各个名校的MBA都会有类似的要求。

扎实的工作经验: 我们一般来说需要申请人具备3-5年的工作经验。这些工作经验可以帮助你和其他的MBA联系起来,给你对于真实世界的看法,让你有机会找到MBA级别的实习和工作。所以,我们非常需要工作经验,而工作经验也会直接帮助你的MBA学习和post-MBA的发展

学术成就: 我们不只是看GMAT和GPA。我们不会说你必须要有650以上的GMAT,3.5以上的GPA。我们还会看其他的学术方面的内容,比如:本科学校的教学质量和口碑,GMAT Quantitative和Verbal分别的分数以及你其他的学位或者证书。

真实的兴趣: 你做了很多学校的研究,也申请了其他学校 – 录取委员会的人都知道这一点,而且你也应该知道。不过在这里我们还是想寻找你对我们项目最真实的兴趣。这也是我们在面试时会问你为什么要申请我们的学校,你最喜欢我们的什么方面。如果你不能用你自己的语言和表达方式很坚定的回答出这两个问题,我们很可能机会怀疑你是否真的对项目感兴趣。

热情: 我一直看重热情在个人关系和职业关系中的作用,我也认为热情是一个人是否可以在MBA项目和MBA项目之后的职业生涯取得成功的重要预期指标。我想看到热情,特别是在面试当中。如果申请人可以在面试当中充分的说服我他为什么想要MBA,他为什么想来我的商学院,那他就成功了。如果有一个学生在面试时就能展现出热情,我就可以想象他成为学生组织Leader和我们社区活动Leader时的样子,这肯定是会为他的申请加分的。


在澳洲申请MBA -Weatherhead-School-of-Management

在澳洲申请MBA -Weatherhead-School-of-Management



Al DiFranco文章的英文原文:

Solid Work Experience: We typically look for 3-5 years of post-graduate work experience from our MBA candidates. This work experience will help you relate with classmates, give you real-world perspective, and make you marketable for MBA-level internships and jobs. Whether you are looking at an MBA as a career enhancer or a career changer, some level of work experience is helpful.

Academic Achievement: I don’t just look at a GMAT and say, “You have to get a 650 or you can’t get into our school,” or glance at a grade point average and say, “A 3.5 is necessary and anything less isn’t good enough.” Other factors come into play that speak to academic achievement, such as the quality of your undergraduate institution, quantitative versus verbal score on the GMAT, and any other degrees or certifications you may have.

Genuine Interest: Admission professionals know you are looking at a number of schools in your search process. You should be! What I am looking for is your genuine interest in our program. That’s why in interviews I often ask why you applied to our school and what you like most about us. If you can’t answer those questions in a decisive manner that sounds like your own words and not just what can be found on our website, then I will probably feel uncertain about whether you really want to attend our school.

Passion: This is something I look for in personal and professional relationships, and I think it’s a great predictor of how successful someone will be in an MBA program and beyond. I want to see passion from a prospective student, especially in an interview. If an applicant can convincingly convey in an interview why he or she wants an MBA, and why he or she wants one from my school (see #3!), that will stay with me. When a prospective student shows me passion early on, I begin to picture him or her as a leader in student organizations and in our alumni community, which adds value to his or her candidacy.

51UStudy申请主管 作为51UStudy申请主管,Julia对英美名校本科及研究生申请有着深入的研究和了解,并且能结合澳洲同学的背景给出最适合的申请方案,确保每位同学都能收到心仪的offer。她的学生里不少从9年级就开始进行名校留学规划,她以细致入微的服务获得了大家的一致肯定。