求职与商学院申请 – 7个相同的成功要素


求职与商学院申请 – 这可能是很多同学同时在考虑的两个问题。Dartmouth College Tuck School of Business的Career Development Office Director Jonathan Masland发现了成功的求职者和MBA申请人有七个非常类似的特点。值得大家借鉴。

1. 找到合适的工作/商学院


  • 了解自己和自己最需要解决的问题
  • 了解不同公司或商学院的独特之处
  • 可以在申请文书 (包括简历,Essay)和面试当中说服公司和学校自己就是他们在寻找的那个Fit


 2. 和公司/商学院进行接触甚至拜访



3. 准备是重中之重



4. 回答三个问题


“Tell me about yourself?”

“Why do you want to work for my company?”, and

“Why should I hire you?”



5. 使自己变得让人难忘并且有一些好故事


在这个变得难忘的过程中,最重要的途径就是讲故事 – 让自己善于描述重要的场景和自己重要的成绩吧,这样才会让你变得难忘。无论是准备文书还是面试,确保自己手头有一些很有价值的故事可以分享,可以打动Admission Committee


6. 细节非常重要

穿戴得体,简历完美,推荐人合适,沟通职业,发thank you邮件,对别人nice,在GMAT考试前休息充分,提早递交申请. 求职与商学院申请 一样,最后总是这些小事让你和别的申请人不同。


7. 享受过程



求职与商学院申请 - Tuck School of Business

求职与商学院申请 – Tuck School of Business


文章转载自MBA.com 原文及链接

1. School Fit is Critical: The critical factor for many companies looking to hire MBAs is the perceived fit between the applicant and the position, and more broadly, between the applicant and the firm. The same applies to the selection of MBA applicants as admissions offices strive to enroll students that fit with the unique culture of their respective programs. To be successful on the “fit,” applicants need to sync three components:

  • They need to understand themselves and their own priorities
  • They need to get to know the unique characteristics of the different MBA programs
  • They need to be able to articulate in essays and during admissions interviews that they are a fit for the program in question

2. Meet the People and Visit the Campus: There is no better way to prepare for a job interview than to meet with current and former employees of a company and to visit their offices. The same is true when applying to business school. Always speak with current students and alumni of programs you are interested in. Ask them why they joined the program and find out what is unique about the culture and academics. The themes you hear from multiple sources will allow you to discover if there is a fit with the program while providing invaluable details you can share in essays and during interviews. Firms do not hire MBAs who have not done their due diligence and met people from their firm, and MBA programs are just as discerning.

3. Preparation Is Key: MBAs who are successful in their job search prepare. They learn an industry, understand trends, do company research, learn about who they are interviewing with, visit the firm, network with employees, review news, pick apart company websites, practice mock interviews, and more. You should do the same level of preparation when applying to business school. Study for the GMAT, conduct practice interviews, research a school, speak with alumni, and choose the right recommenders.

4. Answer the Three Key Questions: During many job interviews, the core questions recruiters ask MBAs are: “Tell me about yourself?”; “Why do you want to work for my company?”, and “Why should I hire you?” The same three questions also apply to MBA applicants; they should be able to eloquently and convincingly share their background and explain why they want to attend the MBA program and why they should be admitted.

5. Be Memorable and Tell Good Stories: I will never forget an executive from a company standing in front of a group of MBAs and giving the following advice: “If you don’t have a personality, find one!” While the executive was being flip and entertaining, I believe he had an important point, which is that each of us should be able to be interesting to the people evaluating us, whether that is for a job or for admittance to an MBA program. And the vehicle for sharing interesting things about you and your background is through storytelling—being able to share events or accomplishments that are interesting, which make a point, and are memorable. As you write your essays and prepare for your admissions interview, make sure to have at the ready a set of stories you can share to convince a school that you are a strong candidate for admittance.

6. The Little Things Matter: Dress well, make sure your resume is perfect, choose your recommenders wisely, be professional in your communications, send thank you notes, be nice to everyone involved in evaluating you, sleep well the night before your GMAT exam, and get your application in early. Like any job search, in the end it is the many small things that ultimately tip the balance between landing a new job or being admitted to the business school of your choice.

7. Have Fun: Ironically, it is often those who enjoy meeting new people, exploring new jobs and opportunities, and who understand that rejection is an inevitable part of the job search that are the most successful. The same applies to the MBA application process. They are successful because they throw themselves into their search for the right school, find reward in the process, and are more poised and confident as they interview.

51UStudy申请主管 作为51UStudy申请主管,Julia对英美名校本科及研究生申请有着深入的研究和了解,并且能结合澳洲同学的背景给出最适合的申请方案,确保每位同学都能收到心仪的offer。她的学生里不少从9年级就开始进行名校留学规划,她以细致入微的服务获得了大家的一致肯定。